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The Stark County Land Bank was formed in March 2012. Since its incorporation the Land Bank has been focused meeting the goals of its mission by reducing the number blighted properties and returning tax delinquent vacant land back into productive use throughout the county. Between 2013 and 2019, the SCLRC was awarded over $16 million in demolition funding through the Moving Ohio Forward (MOF) program and the Neighborhood Initiative Program (NIP) to complete demolitions of blighted properties. To date the SCLRC has demolished 1228 residential structures that were beyond repair or rehab.

As demolition is not the only tool used to remove blight and improve neighborhoods, the SCLRC is working towards the development of new programs that will foster and create new partnerships and support other county organization goals.


The SCLRC contracts with the Stark County Regional Planning Commission (SCRPC) to provide various services, including program administration, strategic planning, oversee day-to-day activities. The SCRPC has a staff with experience in operating federal and state grant programs and financial management and has been administering the SCLRC’s programs and activities since 2014.

“To strategically acquire properties, return them to productive use, reduce blight, increase property values, support community goals and improve the quality of life for county residents.”

Board of Directors

Alexander Zumbar
Alan Harold
Bill Smith
John Arnold
Chris Hardesty